
Hoong Phang

About Hoong Phang

Hoong Phang is a registered physiotherapist at Propel Physiotherapy. He believes that every person is capable of improving their current physical situation and is passionate about developing unique strategies through critical analysis and assessment to help his clients achieve their personal goals. Hoong is currently published in the academic journals “Disability and Rehabilitation” and “Spinal Cord.”

Common Office Injuries: Causes, Rehabilitation and Prevention

Many common office injuries involve musculoskeletal strains and sprains of the neck, back, hands and feet. With so many more people working from home over the past few years, the instances of people working without a proper workstation have increased dramatically. Compounded by an already low overall activity rate [...]

Key Strategies for Supporting Healthy Aging with SCI

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-changing injury that often changes the way you interact with the world. In general, life expectancy following and SCI has improved significantly in the past century, however, the years lived with additional disability are apparent[i]. How you mobilize is the most easily [...]

Pickering Physiotherapy Clinic Manager | Alanna Holz Spotlight

Get to know our Pickering physiotherapy clinic manager and registered physiotherapist Alanna Holz a little better. This is the third installment of a video and blog series to spotlight our clinicians in 1-on-1 interviews that aim to help you get to know them a bit more on a personal [...]

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